Jan 13, 2006

Personal Scandal...

Before my members "out" me for naughty behavior - I'll come clean and confess my scrapping sins to the world!

My mom just called and told me that the photography studio where I had my bridal photos taken over 18 years ago is moving. They are offering negatives to people for a $15 search fee. They have stored their negatives back to 1980 so they must have mine. I am ELATED to be able to get those negatives so I can correct the horrors of my scrapping past.

You see, I CUT my negativeless priceless bridal photos with deco scissors (ouch, that hurts to even say!). I should be publicly flogged for the sin and it makes me sick, now. But at the time, everyone was doing it (but, as my mom would say, "That doesn't make it right, young lady!").

I have wedding photos with not straight, but ZIG-ZAG edges. It looks like I cut them with pinking shears. Of course, the mat is also zig-zagged to match. The above photos had their corners clipped with a deco corner punch. OH, THE HORROR! WHAT WAS I THINKING???!!!!!

I usually don't advocate "do-overs" when it comes to scrapping. But, these are my wedding photos! I don't think I'll be able to resist the urge. Perhaps having the negatives will heal the pain enough to just accept the past - LOL! I think knowing that I COULD re-do the pages will help me accept how I DID the pages in the first place. I'll hold onto the negatives for a while and see how I feel knowing they are now in my possession.


Melissa said...

oh no the sin of the decorative scissors-ahhh ;) how cool to be able to get your negetives, heres wishing you lots of scrapbooking luck on scrapping all your pretty wedding pictures.

Sarah said...

Do-overs are allowed! Didn't you get the memo?? In fact, where deco scissors are involved, do-overs are encouraged. :)

Lucky you!