Jul 26, 2006

Looking for SCRAPMAN!

Sounds like a super hero! I am looking for men who scrap!!! I know you're out there!!!! It's time to tell us who you are. I am also looking for scrapbook artists who have been commissioned by a man to make them an album (sports, business, personal, etc).

If you are a ScrapMan or have scrapped FOR a man, email me. I have a media contact looking for information on men and scrapping.

It's time that scrapping men everwhere stand up and proudly proclaim, "I HAVE RIBBON AND I KNOW HOW TO USE IT!"

Email me at Kim @ ScrapBiz.com (squish it together, I don't want any more Viagra emails than I'm already getting) with your story!


Owl at Home said...

My brother scraps. He was interested in it when he observed me showing a friend how to do it, and asked me to show him as well. He's been scrapping for approximately 4 years and mostly works on pages of his fiancee right now. He's 26 years old and likes to keep his pages fairly simple - he loves using cardstock and likes to journal funny stories.

Creative Bug Christy said...

Oh my goodness - I get more Viagra emails than I know what to do with - I'm glad I'm not the only one!