How shocking that only about 40% of ELIGIBLE voters will turn out today - and that's the highest in a mid-term election since 1982. What a great country we live in and we are very blessed to have a say in the political process. Think of the Iraqis in their first election and how they risk life and limb to defy the terrorists who threatened to blow up polling places in an effort to keep them home. It didn't work - HUGE percentages showed up - some walking for hours to get there. Here in my city, we have a large Iraqi population and they had to take busses to LA TWICE to exercise their right to vote in that election. Yet, many of us can't be bothered to drive to our nearest public building to cast our ballot.
So, no matter what side you are on, take the time to VOTE today! November is a month of Thanksgiving. We should be thankful we live in such a free country.
My challenge to you today is to have someone take a photo of you in a voting related situation. You will set an example for future generations who might see your album. Wouldn't it be cool if 100% of registered voters turned out for an election someday??!!!
Kim, couldn't agree more on the sad state of turnout...I voted as well :)
Thanks for a great blog, read every update.
You know, in Australia, voting is compulsory. Te sad thing is that people abuse their right to cast a vote in the future of their nation. Just recently, we had a local Council by-election. More informal votes were cast than those for the winning candidate. How sad is that! K.
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