Jul 1, 2005

Holy Cow! THe Wishblade as done by Xyron!

I just got a scrapbook trade magazine and there is a contest in it for CHA - the trade show happening in Chicago this month. The grand prize is a Xyron Personal Cutting System. It's the Wishblade redesigned and it's COOL!

The price looks like it is going to be very reasonable. The value of the whole prize package (more than just the machine) is a little less than $250. Wow! Computer die cutting for less than $250! That's going to change the industry! I see a whole lotta die cut machines going up on Ebay...

Okay, back to my vacation... I promise this time!

Image hosted by TinyPic.com I scanned the photo since it's the only place I have seen it. I did a Google search and came up with nothing. This is a first look!


Anonymous said...

Thank you SO MUCH for sharing this!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for posting this picture!! I can't wait to see the fonts! that could really make it or break it for a lot of people so I am crossing my fingers I'll love at least ONE LOL!

Heidi Smith