This is my avatar photo at ScrapBiz right now. I put it up on December 11 and the funny thing is that not ONE PERSON said a word about my silly photo. When I couldn't take the lack of response anymore I said, "HEY! DIDN'T ANYONE NOTICE???" Several of them said, "We weren't sure it was you. We thought it was LUCY!" What a compliment - LOL! I LOVE LUCY! I'm not one of those crazed Lucy fans like the bus full of Lucies in the remake of IT'S A MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD WORLD. I just get a good chuckle out of the show whenever I watch. And, I can watch the same episode over and over and STILL laugh at it. Maybe it's that Lucy and I both have red-hair. I don't know. I just know that her comedic talent was timeless!
Lucy also taught some GREAT lessons on business. Just this morning, I caught one of my favorite episodes (my kids were asleep so I turned on the tube for a minute). It's the AUNT MATHA'S OLD FASHIONED SALAD DRESSING episode. It's the PERFECT lesson on business. I analyze the episode as it relates to our businesses in the ScrapBiz Business Start-Up Guide. That episode is a "what not to do" guide for figuring out profit and pricing products - and it's just plain funny. The episode where Lucy and Ethel buy a dress shop is also a terrific business lesson.
I find business inspiration all over the place - and I Love Lucy is a very pleasant way to be inspired!
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