Nov 26, 2007

2nd Annual "Change" Someone's Christmas

It's that time of year again. Tonight is Family Night at our house and we have scoured the couches, the cars, our pockets and our banks for change. Tonight we will go out and "Change" Someone's Christmas.

We started this tradition last year. Actually, we have done SOMETHING every year to help needy families, but last year, we really involved our kids and they were SO EXCITED about it. It takes a LOT for kids to shop the toy department for things NOT for them. They are really good about it and don't spend much time with the "I wants". They get down to business - even in the "girl" aisles. They are looking forward to doing it again tonight. First, we'll hit the Coin Star machine and then we'll cash in the coupon on some bargains in the toy department. My boys LOVE hauling all the goodies into the bank to the collection barrel and the bank employees love seeing them come in! The toys will go to our local Christmas Charity for their annual shopping event for low-income families.

Scrapbookers are generous, kind people. I would encourage you to open your change jars or wallets this year and help those who are less fortunate than you!


  1. What a GREAT idea! I have already passed this idea on to my own children so that they can implement this idea if they wish to with their children. I would like to share this story with
    with your permission. Let me know!


  2. Thanks! We had fun last night!

    Go ahead and share it!
