Nov 25, 2007

Mark's Thanksgiving Run

Here are the promised photos from Mark's Turkey Trot. He ran the 5k in 31 minutes and it actually wasn't far off his June 5k time of about 28 minutes. He ran harder in June so he probably could have done this one in the same time. It was also about 22 degrees with a light, cold breeze coming off the Columbia River. It was hard to breathe because of the COLD!

We ran into some friends there too - it was so good to see them - it had been too long. They hadn't known about Mark's illness until the night before the race when they read my blog entry so they were looking for us. It was a true sense of accomplishment that day. There were a lot of wheel chair racers there and I couldn't help but think that Mark should still be in the wheel chair. I admired the spirit of those in the chairs. They were every bit as much of an athlete as those running on their legs. The only people I questioned where the ones running in shorts and shoes and nothing else - they were crazy! It was COLLLLLLDDDDDD!

Click to play Mark's Thanksgiving Run
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  1. It is wonderful to see the Bishop doing so well.....he is an inspiration to many of us. Thanks for the photos!

  2. Woohoo!!! And he still had a smile on his face at the end. Kim, it just brought me to tears! What a miracle and a blessed Thanksgiving for you, Mark & the boys.

  3. Truly a miracle. I really gives a whole new perspective to the meaning of the season doesn't it? Go Mark!!!

  4. Mark spoke to his neurologist on the phone last night. She called to tell him his recent MRI looked good and that the inflammation in his brain and spinal cord was greatly reduced. He told her he was feeling good and had run a 5K. She said, "YOU DID NOT!" She couldn't believe it. Last time she saw him - late September - he could barely move around with his walker.

  5. Kim,
    I was seriously in tears. SO happy for Mark and your family!
    I think the Guymon's are going to have a very happy holiday season and you all deserve every second.
